Agile goes Europe

While participating at a team development seminar provided by boris gloger in Munich I had the chance to join the just founded Munich Agile & Lean Network group. The idea of an agile and lean network with an european focus was spreaded by Jurgen Appelo who I met at his great Management 3.0 seminar in Hamburg earlier this year. As I am half dutch I appreciate his experience and connection to the community in the Netherlands pushing forward some new ideas for the agile community and so I decided to support his initiative and join this meeting.

At least 15 people met yesterday at a bar in Munich to find out in which ways we can interact and contribute to this network. Ilker, Christian and Wolfgang hosted the session and opened up a world café based on three items:

  • Connect Global
  • Stay Local
  • Call to action

So we discussed which elements were great to share with other european agile communities and how our local engagement could look like. The hosts will deliver and forward our content to our german ambassdor who will take Germanys contribution to the XP Days 2011 in Madrid.

To give a sneak peak on some ideas which I favored most:

  • Agile Couchsurfing
  • European ScrumMaster Exchange
  • Connecting to local communities of practice

I am looking forward to other countries and cities contributions. If you want to participate have a look at Jurgens blog for detailed information.

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