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Sep. 6

Info Session – Bring your Team: A free Team Coaching Opportunity

September 6, 2024 @ 14:00 - 14:30

Virtual Veranstaltung Virtual Veranstaltung
Patrick Lehrbach offers a free Team Coaching Opportunity and we want to create the space for you to make the most of this offer in an info session. Patrick is a valued member of our team of Agile Coaches and currently in the final stage of his Team Coaching certification (ORSC). Some of you might already know Patrick as coach from the ACSM seminar. In this info session, Patrick will explain the idea of the offer and give possible examples. There will also be space to discuss any open questions you may have.
What is offered?
Free team coaching of a system of 2 or more people, approx. 1-2 hours (depending on your previously agreed alignments).
What would be a good ‚topic’?
Some examples could be:
  • to get a new perspective on the relationship as a team
  • to align if there is some conflict
  • to hear all voices regarding a topic
  • to look for new perspectives in a Retrospective facilitated by a Coach who has no context or agenda regarding the company, rank and roles
How is it done?
You will meet in Zoom for the Coaching Session. For the certification Patrick requires a recording of the session in English. For this reason the whole session will be in English. Supervisors will give feedback on Patrick’s Coaching based on the audio recording of the coaching session.
Of course, your personal data and the recording will be treated confidentially. Both will only be used for the purpose of supervision and certification and will be deleted afterwards. Written agreement forms will be provided before the session. The offered Team Coaching does not contain any (agile) Teaching or Consulting from Patrick’s side, but he will also go into this in more detail in a prep call.
If you are already interested in the offering and want to arrange a prep call, please contact Patrick directly at


September 6, 2024
14:00 - 14:30
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